I can relate to what you're writing here. I too have just recently begun collecting/hunting for records (and I also got a record player that sounds just like the one you described, and it works great). The physical form is my preference every time over streaming and searching for the records is a huge part of the fun like you said. Look forward to hearing more about journey with this.

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Isn't it the greatest feeling! The entire activity of it from the hunt, appreciating the art to actually letting the needle drop and absorb it. I'm sure your equipment sounds great, one of the things that made me hesitant about starting is the level of investment I had to make and how much I had to know about all of it. Thankfully, most ppl have been pretty welcoming on helping me learn about equipment, vinyl care etc. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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I totally identify with this. I too have got tired of the short attention span-encouraging Spotify. I find myself listening to radio more. And like you, getting more vinyl over the last few years. Like anything, making that little bit more effort reaps rewards that streaming can't offer.

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As much as radio gets seen as such an “old” way of listening to music, at least good radio stations provide context with each song and there is a conversation involved rather than streaming bombarding you with content giving you no time to process anything you consume. 💯 agree with the many rewards physical media can offer! 🙏🏼

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If I had to write something to explain why I went back to physical media, it'd be exactly this (including the part about selling off the retro video game collections) Streaming is great but the choice is overwhelming, it makes us consume everything as quickly as possible rather than sitting with it. even though Spotify hasn't got to Netflix levels, where it suggests films we should watch next as soon as the credits roll, it'll likely only be a short while before that addition to the app is programmed. Imagine 30 seconds left of a song and 3 options are presented to you to start there and then before the final notes play.

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Those who know retro gaming know how much effort it is and the pain of letting it go! 💯 with streaming becoming overwhelming. It’s like the doomscrolling to listening to music and it shouldn’t be that way. We see music as “content” and go thru them so effortlessly without caring for context. That netflix style suggestion you mentioned sounds like a nightmare 😖. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!

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Let's gooo! Love that At the Drive In record, and love even more the idea of the vinyl nights. Need to get that going with my friends. Cheers!

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Thank you! Oh man now in search of their relationship in command LP. And vinyl nights are def a good time to share and see what your friends are listening to 🤘🏼

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